The Program

The Goal Progress System is the art of meticulously designing and organizing a customized set of tasks by the coach, coachee and the accountability partners, which are regularly monitored, reviewed, redone, or continuously performed in order to arrive at a desired goal. It is a system which success requires and is highly dependent on the full commitment and unity of objective of all participants. Using the inspiration of the Global Positioning System where there are approximately 30 well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location, and God's Plan of Salvation where there are specific Commandments provided for the protection and guidance of His people in order for them to be saved, the Goal Progress System provides simple, motivating, attainable/agreed, reasonable and timed tasks (milestones/satellites) which will serve as a guide for the participants (coach, coachee, accountability partners) to see exactly where the coachees are at, what they need to do, have clarity as to how they are getting closer to the goal, and whether or not all tasks are properly executed in order to achieve the desired goals. The "Commandments" or the rules and guidelines set and agreed upon between the coach and the coachees are provided in order to protect and guide the participants in the entire process of working towards the desired goals.

What is Goal Progress Coaching?

There are certain instances in life where people realize that they are not necessarily taking the direction they ought to take or they are simply not fulfilling their full potential, or perhaps they just can't seem to overcome an obstacle that is standing in the way of their dreams. It is during these times that people will need a motivational force, a supportive hand or word, a push of discipline, someone who can help them clearly identify action items which will help them achieve their goals, or take them through a practical way of fulfilling a very important task, someone who can guide them through the next steps moving forward- in short, a Goal Progress Coach!

And that, my friends, is where we enter the picture!

You must, however, be very keen on finding a Goal Progress Coach, someone whom you can partner with effortlessly. I have listed some important factors which you may consider to see if we can work well together. After reading through it and you feel we will be a good fit, then ring or email us straight away and let's get started on your best ever investment- You!

What is a Goal Progress Coach?

Is the director who guides an individual in identifying their challenges, solutions or goals, and help outline the necessary tasks to be executed in order to accomplish it. The GP coach is not a psychiatrist or therapist that studies an individual's troubled mental health or personality disorders. The coach is not necessarily qualified to do this unless he or she is also an expert professional of that field. Nor is a GP coach necessarily a financial or relationship expert, unless the coach has a strong background or really has the expertise on financial or relationship counseling. A GP coach, however, focuses on the execution of an identified action plan, or the activities necessary to be done moving forward in order to achieve a goal. The coach regularly checks and monitors the individual’s progress and ensures that consistent optimum performance is done towards achieving the desired goal. This, while motivating and inspiring the individual in the process.

How is this different from Life Coaching?

Life Coaching looks at the broader spectrum of challenges involving different aspects of a person's life- relationships, work, business, personal struggles and successes and many other areas. The challenges being faced by the client are discovered, examined and provided with possible solutions or course of action in order to achieve the kind of life the client wants to live. While the Goal Progress System may include the discovering, examining and providing for possible solutions for these challenges, it goes farther into outlining the exact steps of execution to achieve these solutions. It is the connecting bridge from point A to point B. It tackles the tedious part of execution which is normally where the greatest challenge lies. A person may already have a set goal but may fail to achieve it because of the lack of execution. The Goal Progress System also allows for the development of good professional and personal relationships as it uses accountability partners as part of the process. A person surrounded by people who want his or her success will flourish as an individual and will, in turn, become an asset to anyone or any group he or she is or becomes a part of. The Goal Progress System directs both the driver (coach) and the passenger/s (coachee/accountability partners) towards the right destination.

We can help you if-

* you have challenges in personality development

* you have challenges in moving forward your performing arts career

* you have challenges in your corporate career- whether starting, moving up or moving to a new one

* you have challenges in achieving a certain personal goal

* you have challenges in accomplishing or following through your personal or work-related tasks

* you think you could be a performer (theatre/film/tv actor, singer, dancer, voice over actor, model,
beauty queen) but don't know where to start

* you are a working performer who would like to advance your craft and continually harness your full
potential, just like how Hollywood award-winning actors do it (I was amazed when I learned that in
Hollywood, even the likes of Meryl Streep, Anthony Hopkins, Halle Berry etc actually still have personal
acting coaches no matter what project they work on!!).

* you have a strong desire to make things happen no matter what

* you love learning and you believe that to be forever young means to never stop learning

* you understand that the best investment you could ever make in your life is when you invest in

We won't be of any help if-

* you know you have psychological, psychiatric or medical issues

* you need a financial advisor

* you need a relationship counselor

* you think the coach will do all the work

* you are temperamental and moody

* you are pessimistic and you always feel defeated even without doing anything

* you are not honest with yourself

Remember that Goal Progress Coaches are not necessarily the known experts of a particular field. It goes to say that not all Mathematicians can be great Math teachers or vice versa, not all surgeons can teach their expertise well enough to medical students, or that the best actor or actress is automatically the best acting teacher and so forth. Goal Progress Coaching requires a certain kind of personality and skill set, the proper training in terms of dealing with a person, the sensibility to partner well together with an individual and really being able to identify the best course of action that individual should take to achieve a desired goal.

We hope we are able to enlighten you about what we do and the scope of a Goal Progress Coach. This should at least give you a clearer picture as to where we can most likely fit in in your journey towards achieving your goals and eventually living your dream. If you still have more questions, you can check our FAQs or other sections of our website and see if you can find the answers there. If not, then don't hesitate to contact us so we can clarify things for you.


Looking forward to be part of your exciting journey!