Acting in Theatre

One of the most effective ways to overcome fear in general, lack of confidence, insecurities and other forms of negative attitude is to learn to bravely stand on stage and perform in front of an audience. Acting in Theatre is a dynamic approach of creating arts through a performance delivered on stage whether in a form of drama or even music. It benefits the body and soul through the discipline implemented in ourselves as we go through the whole process. Here are some of the benefits of acting in theatre...

-Self Confidence– The very main reason why most people enroll in theatre arts is to overcome lack of confidence. Being confident means a person is secure of him or herself and exudes an air of positivity
that does not overpower but welcomes people in his or her presence.

-Imagination – In theatre, you can create things artistically through your imagination. This process develops creativity and resourcefulness which may be practically used in solving real-life situations.

-Communication Skills – Communication is developed as an actor continuously rehearses the delivery of the lines, hence good articulation is also improved in the process. It involves both speaking and listening keenly to one's co-actors. Listening is a skill which will prove most helpful especially in improving relationships.

-Concentration / Focus – Mastering your role is key in delivering great performances, thus you need to focus and keep rehearsing in order to perfect your scenes. Through this process, you will develop a sustained coordination of all the necessary faculties needed to produce an outstanding performance. This is vital not only in theatre but also in other areas of life.

-Cooperation / Collaboration –Theatre promotes collaboration and cooperation from each participant to create a dynamic and effective performance. This is one of the most helpful values needed when engaging in collaborative work in general.


These are just a few of the benefits of performing in theatre.


With PERFORMANCE UNLIMITED’s Acting in Theatre Course we will prepare and equip you to be a successful theatre performer and we will be with you throughout the process of reaching your goals.

