Our Goal Progress Coaching Sessions cover…

Personality Development:

*are you unsure of how you come across to an audience or a group of people even in a private setting?
*are you uncomfortable in giving your opinion?
*are you uncomfortable in initiating a conversation with people you just met or people around you in general?
* do you think you need help with the way you dress?
* do you shy away from interacting with others to avoid prolonged conversations?
* do you think you can be more fun?
* do you think you can be a better listener?
* do you think you need help with self-confidence?
If you answered Yes to any or all of the above questions then let's work together, 
and see how you can be more comfortable being you and have fun at the same time!

Career Guidance:

* are you about to decide on the career path you should take?
* are you debating whether to leave your current career and start a new one?
* are you running for a promotion?
* are you feeling demotivated and on the verge of quitting?
* are you changing companies?
* are you planning to take a career on the side?
* are you having trouble at work?
* are you in high school or college and have yet to decide on a career path?
or have already decided and would like to plan on how to go about it?
If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Planning is crucial to a career decision, same as all our other major life decisions.
It means we could get stuck doing something we are only forced to do or have no choice at all.
Or, it could mean we won't be working a single minute in our lives simply because we have so much fun and loving our chosen fields. 
If you answered Yes to any of the above questions then don't waste any more time, let's get you going! 
Your most exciting and rewarding career awaits you!


* are you working on a dream which is seemingly unattainable?
* are your tasks never-ending and yet you still feel you haven't accomplished anything?
* do you find yourself starting a project but not following through it?
* are you overwhelmed with obstacles to your goals?
* do you find yourself always giving excuses or complaining?
* do you feel like you just don't know where to start with your tasks?
* are you procrastinating?
There are so many factors that affect how we achieve our goals or attain our dreams. There's the desire to really go at it no matter what, there's the time we spend organizing our tasks and really doing it as scheduled. Another would be the level of accountability we own up to when we are working on our tasks. Or the amount of action that we take once our plan has been laid out and how soon we get at it, and many more.
While the goal is yet to be achieved, let us assess our commitment towards reaching it.
If you answered Yes to any or all of the above questions, then it is obvious that you are on to something amazing, and we can work together to bring that to life!


*do you think you can be a singer but don't really know where to start?
* are you preparing for a performance?
* are you about to audition for a school or commercial play? or any singing program?
* are you about to sing to an audience for the first time?
* do you need a basic refresher?
Singing is therapeutic and it is certainly one of the more popular forms of entertainment. Almost everyone dreams of becoming a singer especially in the Philippines. Either the person is a naturally gifted singer, or they think they are gifted, or they are told they are a natural but is unsure if they want to believe it.
Now, if you answered Yes to any of the above questions then let's find out how we can turn you into the singer you can potentially be!


* are you planning to start an acting career?
* Have you attended workshops and felt like it is really never enough?
* are you about to audition for an acting stint?
* are you in the middle of an acting project?
* are you a professional actor and would want to have regular scene studies on potential roles you want to play or one you are currently playing?
While acting theories are learned in school or in workshops, having someone to work with you on specific scenes or roles which you would like to, about to or are portraying, makes a whole lot of difference especially in terms of getting assessed on how effective you are in that role. You also get the chance to do an in-depth study on a character and get a deeper understanding on the theories which you have learned through scene experiments. Or if you have yet to know these theories, then you get to learn and immediately apply them as you work with your coach.
So, if you answered Yes to any of the above questions then let's explore those scenes and characters together and see how you can portray each one organically!

Public Speaking:

* are you about to do a presentation, either for a small or a big audience and need to prepare how to go about it?
* are you usually nervous when speaking in public?
* are you great at public speaking and need constructive critiquing from a listener's perspective to improve your work?
* are you always asked to speak but never really felt comfortable no matter how many times you have done it?
* are you about to speak on stage in front of an audience for the first time?
Provided that you already have the material or at least know what you are supposed to talk about and answered Yes to any or all of the above questions then let's go ahead and conquer your audience!

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