

I am Bem,  I included this page for you to get to know me a little better and understand my motivation in pursuing my goals...

 this is my story...

My parents raised me and my 4 other siblings with so much love, balanced it with appropriate discipline, provided us with our basic needs, gave us a comfortable home, showered us a few luxuries which the family can afford (mine were books!), and taught us to be generous no matter how little it is that we have. I grew up witnessing how my parents would welcome friends and relatives in our little home and share whatever they can afford to give to those asking for help. Our small house was always filled with people. Even now that we are all grown up and our family already moved to another city, family, and friends even from far places never stopped visiting us. It is a blessing and a joy!

I didn't have the luxury of attending voice, acting, or painting lessons which I really wished back then we could afford, but a kind neighbor who was a ballet teacher taught me and my sister ballet dancing for free. My aunt was a piano teacher, so we had free lessons too! I will always be grateful for the privilege of learning for free and even then as a little girl I already knew I wanted to do something more. I remember I would sing, dance, recite declamations or orations and happily do mini-presentations for family, friends, relatives and wherever it was that I found myself an audience. I enjoyed being around people and entertaining them, and I would occasionally receive gifts after my performance. Hence, it is absolutely no surprise that being around a lot of people and performing will become a significant part of my grown-up life.

Fast forward to my last year in college, I almost didn't finish school when my parents lost their jobs because the local insurance company they were working for went bankrupt. To make sure I could graduate on time and help my parents with my younger siblings education, I got 2 scholarships- an Academic one and the Performing Arts. I also worked as a Front desk Officer in a hotel after classes, sold cookies, soft milk and caramel candies (pastillas and yema) in school, and received allowances for the
theatre plays I was a part of which toured around the city and its neighboring towns. And so, with God's grace, I made it through my last year, even more so with amazingly good grades.

After several years and four promotions in the BPO industry, I still pursued the performing arts. I just can't let it go. Since I can already afford to take the lessons I want, I enrolled in all of the classes I knew I needed. People must understand that despite having a natural talent and being able to learn things on your own, it would be best to learn more from experts. After taking those lessons, I started auditioning,
got accepted and also got rejected for plays, TV shows, films etc. Despite the failed attempts and rejections, I did not give up. In fact, I took a step further, and quit my corporate job and took the risk of pursuing my first love- performing, and eventually opening my very own coaching company! Not only did that decision enable me to inspire and bring joy to people, it also allowed me to help more people as
I grew my coaching career. This, in turn, made me grow positively as an individual. I believe that if God has placed a dream in your heart and you know very well that He has equipped you with the exact gifts to make that dream come true, you become bolder in pursuing it. You are also more
aware that it will come to pass in His Perfect Time. If I continued to live in fear of what might happen to me and did not leave my comfort zone, I never would've had the opportunity to truly harness my potential and thereby contribute significantly to others. Everything I am pursuing now would have been just in my imagination. Our potential to be great is crushed when we live in fear. We can't love as it is too risky, we won't give because we might not get anything in return and we won't dream because we might fail. At the end of the day- do we fight and possibly win? or retreat and lose even before we started?- We choose!

It is never too late or too early to pursue a dream, achieve a goal or overcome a challenge. What matters is that we take a step towards it. Even baby steps, so long as we head in that direction every day. The next thing we know, we wake up and realize we have arrived!

I am very humbled that you took the time to read about me.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bem Sabanal - Founder



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